Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Explanation Report Writing

 For the past few weeks, Turama students have been learning how to write explanation reports. Students used graphic organisers to record all of the information as a plan, before using their plans to write their explanations. After self checking, they had to share their draft explanations online with a partner who gave them online feedback. These have been published for our library shelf, so please come and read them if you are at school. Here are a few of the children's book covers:

Cross Country photos

 We had some great results with our cross country running over this term. All the hard training, running laps around the school each day, paid off! Many of our students placed in the top 10 at the Moutere Hills cross country, as well as at the Motueka Schools cross country. Awesome effort everyone!

Year 6s leading Fun Day Friday activities

   A group of our wonderful Year 6 students have been leading activities for our learning space each Friday. The activities were: court games (mainly basketball) with Patrick and Kyle; baking cookies with Lexi and Amira; Minecraft Education with Riley and Sebastian; dance with Sophie and Aspen; and parkour with Leon and Zak. Our leaders did a great job of being well organised and including everyone in their activities, as well as adapting the task to meet everyone's abilities.